So there I was, stalking people on facebook, when I decided to give one of its apps, Graffiti, a go. Seems popular enough. Not a bad little program, but it ain't Photoshop. Still, I'm not one to blame my tools.
Happily sketching away, and the results is what you see below. Above is a slightly more polished version, with the help of Photoshop. You'll have to forgive me on the terrible design of the bridge, it kind of lost its' sense of scale because of that. I have no idea how they're suppose to look like. It seemed so much better in my mind. Someone willing to give me a short lesson in industrial design 101? Might have to leave it for now.
Needs more polish, I need more sleep, starving children need food, world needs saving. It's on my to do list.
Facebook graffit sketch